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Regional News of Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Source: GNA

Call centre for service personnel

The National Service Scheme (NSS), says a call centre has been put in place as part of the reforms aimed at serving national service personnel and the public better.

The statement issued by the NSS said the centre has been established to receive complaints and suggestions.

The statement issued in Accra by the Acting Executive Director, Dr Michael Kpessa-Whyte said the numbers for the call centre are 0299370117, 0299370118, 0299370119, 0299370105 and 0299370203.

It said the intention of the facility is to directly receive and address concerns of service personnel and the other stakeholders with dispatch.

The statement said the centre would be manned by trained national service personnel, who would operate the service for 12 hours each working day from 7:00am to 7:00pm.