Press Releases of Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Source: WAACSP

Calling all Ghanaian customer service reps et al - The WAACSP 2021 induction holds March 27

West Africa Association of Customer Service professionals [WAACSP] - the umbrella body of service professionals in the ECOWAS region will hold its 2021 members induction and beginning of service year 2021 on the 27th of March 2021 with Accra, Abuja and Lagos as venues for the ceremony.

The induction will admit members on the association’s three (3) membership categories of: Certified, Professional and fellows platforms.

Certified membership: participants who completed the WAACSP certification program in 2019 and 2020.

Professional category: open to practicing customer service reps, officers, professionals currently practicing but not yet members of the association.

Fellows Membership: open to senior service professionals, HOD’s, managers, supervisors with not less than 8 years in service.

The induction will also see two notable Ghanaians in the service industry admitted as Patrons of the regional body, Bernard Osei Duah and Stephen ‘chairman’ Essien.

Board chairperson of WAACSP, our own Yvonne Ohui MacCarthy - convener of Ghana Customer Service index and advisory board member of Customer Experience Evolution Africa (CEEA) is enjoining the Ghana Customer Service community to take advantage of being member of WAACSP and access huge career benefits accruing from it.

The WAACSP is building a network of employable service professionals, continuous education in service delivery standards and in the forefront of advocacy for excellent service culture amongst organization, individuals and reflective in member countries national identity seeing that Africa is largely a service driven economy.

increasing influx of international brands to Africa, service professionals are becoming much sought after and WAACSP remains the organization with the professional leverage for both ends meeting using WAACSP recruitment portal where certified members are rated and listed for engagement purposes, View the WAACSP listed members page here.

While other member countries especially Nigeria have leveraged on these for service professionals to be engaged, the GH community of service professionals and organizations have not taken to this channel to access CS and allied roles within the country and beyond.

It is imperative, service professionals in Ghana position themselves to access opportunities from these as remote and physical job openings abound in the new normal dispensation arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remote working has come to stay, as a customer service professional opens your services to engagement globally.

The West African Association of Customer Service professionals [WAACSP] recruitment portal is the gateway to being listed, rated and recognized as a service professional.

Start your WAACSP journey here to be part of the induction and membership of the body of service professionals this year.



Nigeria -
+234 702 500 3527

Ghana -
+233 54 323 3390

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