General News of Tuesday, 2 January 2018


Calls for Presidential Staffer's resignation hypocritical - Bukarson

Clara Napaga Tia Sulemana, Presidential Staffer Clara Napaga Tia Sulemana, Presidential Staffer

The Presidential staffer, Napaga Tia Sulemana who has come under intense pressure to resign following a social media joke that went bad has received massive support with an advise that she should ignore those meaningless calls and focus on her responsibilities in office.

Last week she wrote on her facebook wall that, “Those of you who usually meet me at events and immediately want to submit your CV for employment, this nonsense should end in 2017,”.

That post went viral with many calling for her resignation from office because she was deemed to have insulted and belittled the efforts of, especially her party youth who worked tirelessly to bring the NPP to power.

But the Executive Director of The Press Foundation, TPF, Listowell Yesu Bukarson believes that those calling for her to be sanctioned are only being hypocritical.

“I think the young lady, even though has apologized stated the obvious” He said.

“Which serious unemployed person will storm events and programmes grounds to present a CV for a job” he queried.

“If you are serious for a job, you will package your CV, book appointment where need be, go to the appropriate offices, submit same, make a case for why you need XYZ job at an interview where available and then take it from there” Mr. Bukarson said.

Adding that, “the Presidential staffer, to all intent and purposes is as busy as any other Ghanaian worker, or even busier especially at functions, so she might even drop or lose your CVs if you deliver them to her at such busy national events”.

“So yes, even those she used the wrong platform to express her harbored frustrations, I think she stated the obvious and the hypocritical political twists put to her post is needless and shameful” Mr. Bukarson said.

“In any case why do we think that the punishment for a slip by any government official is resignation”, He asked.

“If we set that kind of precedence, we will end up asking the President himself to resign office one day. It’s inimical to building experience to propel our great nation. He added.

Mr. Bukarson called on the media to be very discerning in their reportage on such agenda-centered stories because “for me, this call for her resignation didn’t need to attract such magnitudes of media attention because in the end it’s only tantamount to creating a storm in a tea cup”

“Its much-ado-about nothing”. He stressed.

We have a nation to build, and we must focus on keeping government on its toes by pushing it to commit to its manifesto promises. The International Freelance Journalist suggested.