Religion of Sunday, 25 November 2007

Source: GNA

Calvary Methodist Church Choir celebrates 70th anniversary

Accra, Nov. 25, GNA - The Calvary Methodist Church Choir of the Accra North Circuit, on Sunday celebrated its 70 years anniversary with a call on the choristers to serve in dignity and impact positively to the world in word, thought and deed.

The choristers, clad in their blue and yellow anniversary cloth, sang and danced to the glory of God for making them part of the remarkable celebration, which was on the theme: "Witnessing in the Power of the Holy Spirit; The Role of the Choral Evangelist." The Very Rev. Thomas B Forson, Superintendent Minister of the Church, said music was life and that whoever accepted the challenge to sing, as a chorister must do it with the dignity it deserved with his or her life reflecting the integrity of Christ.

He said as choral evangelists, committed to winning souls to Christ through God's gift of voice and music, they must be obedient, loyal and surrender totally to the commandments of Christ. "This way, our material allegiance and earthly service to our church, our family and to the state of Ghana shall have true meaning and lasting usefulness for all", he added.

The Very Rev. Forson called on the members and Christians as a whole to keep their fire of worship and evangelism forever burning to win more souls for Christ rather than to scare people away through their deeds.

Justice Nii Kpapko Abrahams, Chairman of the Ghana Association of Methodist Church Choirs (GHAMECC), in his goodwill message, called on the choristers to be disciplined, dedicated and devoted to their service to God and not to lose their bearing through worldly things. He said as a result of the lukewarm attitude towards the service to God, the standards expected of them as choristers had fallen and urged them to rekindle their spiritual loyalty to Christ to enable them to serve their nation better.

The Calvary Methodist Church Choir, which was originally known as the Fante Society Choir was formed in early 1937 at a time when services were held at the James Town Methodist School. The Choir was the first to introduce the "Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols" into Ghana and since the choir moved to its Adabraka site, many other choirs had emerged out of it including the Mt. Olivet, Gethsemane, St John and Emmanuel.

Awards and certificates were presented to members for meritorious service.