General News of Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Source: Bernice Owusuwaa

Can males and females be friends without benefit?

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Friendship, the relationship of mutual affection between two persons is one of the beautiful relations one can have.

The critical issue asked is if friends can remain so without offering sexual favours whiles not in a defined or committed relationship.

Friendship like love borders on acceptance, understanding, respect, trust and care which at times blurs the line between the two. Whiles men and women have different goals and motives in friendly relations, the major goal no doubt is for companionship.

For some there cannot be such a thing as ‘mere friendship’ because men and women are sexually attracted to each other often leading to sexual unions.

Others however contend that the mind controls the body hence being ‘just friends’ without any sexual attraction is a possibility.

Clearly males and females can be friends however such relations can also serve as the bridge to romance.

So what do you reckon, can male and females be just friends or sexual attraction would overwhelm them? Feel free to drop your comments.