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Crime & Punishment of Saturday, 11 February 2023

Source: GNA

Canadian Murder case: Safina Diamond secures bail at Tema High Court

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A Tema High Court has granted GHC 500,000 bail to Safina Mohammed, aka Safina Diamond, a student, being held over the murder of one Frank Kofi Osei, a Canadian on vacation in Ghana, at Ashaley Botwe, School Junction, in Accra.

The court said the GHC500,000 bail should be justified in addition to two sureties.

It also ordered her to be reporting to the Police every Tuesday.

The court noted that the accused person’s mother had been able to prove that Safina had a fixed place of abode and there was nothing to be worried about.

Meanwhile, an Adenta District Court has adjourned the case to February 16, a murder case involving Safina and Michael Fiifi Ampofo Arku, a technical officer.

Safina and Arku are being held for the murder of Frank Kofi Osei, a Canadian on vacation in Ghana, at Ashaley Botwe, School Junction, in Accra.

Osei, a Ghana-domiciled Canadian, was in Ghana for vacation when he was allegedly murdered.

Arku was the first to have secured bail at the High Court.

At the District Court, the police said they were awaiting the advice of the Attorney General after submitting a duplicate docket to it.

Depending on the advice of the Attorney-General, the two could be committed to stand trial at the High Court.

Safina is accused of allegedly stabbing Osei (boyfriend) several times on his chin, jaw, and back and later strangling him.

The pleas of the two accused, who have been charged with conspiracy and murder, are yet to be taken.

Chief Inspector Jacob Nyarko told the Adenta District Court that on Sunday, July 24, 2022, Osei visited Diamond, his fiancée, who resided at Ashaley Botwe School Junction, and decided to spend the night with her.

According to the prosecution, at night, Safina, Arku and other accomplices yet to be identified, allegedly stabbed Osei several times with a knife and strangled him.

Chief Insp Nyarko said Osei’s blood was allegedly cleaned from the floor by Safina and Arku while Osei’s body was in the room for 24 hours.

The prosecution said the accused allegedly dragged Osei’s body from the first floor of the storey building through the staircase and dumped it at the gate of the house where Osei had parked his Toyota Tundra.

According to Chief Insp Nyarko, on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at about 4:00am, Safina called the police and alleged that her boyfriend visited her and died in her room.

The prosecution said a police patrol team, which rushed to the scene, found the body of Osei lying at the gate of Safina’s house.

Chief Insp Nyarko, however, said Safina and Arku were nowhere to be found.

The prosecution said the police traced Safina to Ashaley Botwe School Junction and arrested her, but Arku escaped to Kumasi