Diaspora News of Monday, 25 June 2007

Source: Ghanaian News

Canadian School in Partnership with Atanve JSS

Smithfield Middle School in Etobicoke on May 23, 2007 presented a cheque of $4,000 (four thousand dollars) to Ave Development Foundation (ADF) in Toronto. The cheque, which is the first of the fundraising activities by the school to build and support the Ghana school, was presented to Torgbe Hodgi Dunyo IV on behalf of the foundation by Miss Natasa Khullar school council representative.

The two schools, Smithfield Middle School and Atanve Junior High are in partnership of which through fundraising opportunities, the students and staff of Smithfield Middle School will embark on a project to support the development of education for better tomorrow for students of Atanve Junior High School in Ghana

They will appeal to parents and community members as well as business to support the project. Also they raise fund to build the school as well as to purchase books and resources for the students.


Torgbe Hodgi Dunyo IV receiving the cheque from Miss Natasa Khullar, School Council Representative, Mr. Rupert Castello, Principal (3rd from right), Pam Kaur, Vice Principal (3rd from left)