Religion of Sunday, 27 April 2008

Source: GNA

Catholic Church urges princesses of Wa royal gates to preach peace

Wa, April 27, GNA - Father Aloysius Nuolabong of the Catholic Church has appealed to the princesses of the Wa Royal Gates to speak to their husbands and fathers to put aside their differences and smoke the peace pipe to enhance development in the Municipality

He said the Wa chieftaincy succession dispute could not be solved without the proactive involvement of the women. Father Nuolabong, who is also the Coordinator of the Inter-Religious Dialogue, made the appeal at the fourth Regional Annual

Conference of the Federation of Muslim Women's Association of Ghana (FOMWAG) in Wa on Saturday

He pointed out that women were agents of reconciliation in this thorny, divisive, complex and protracted dispute and must therefore do everything possible to find a lasting solution to it. He said, in this age of globalisation, there was the need for the recognition and acceptance of other people with different cultures and different religions as a way to foster peaceful and harmonious co-existence.

Father Nuolabong said the home was the fertile grounds to prepare children for the openness to other faith and called for active education of children in the homes towards religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence.

The Inter-Religious Dialogue Coordinator urged FOMWAG to come out with a programme of action that would promote the unity and progress of women in the communities.

He urged members of the association not to drop their attention from the indecent and shameful dressing style of young girls, which was an insult to the Islamic image.

"As mothers you must be concerned and worry about the way your daughters dress and go out. Islamic dressing is a way of proclaiming Islam", he advised.

Father Nuolabong advised parents to be wary of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the Municipality and continue to instill moral principles in them against irresponsible lifestyles that could lead them to contracting the disease.

He commended FOMWAG programmes towards the education of their children and the roles it was playing in the socioeconomic development of women in the region.

The Conference was on the theme: "The role of women in the proper upbringing of children in Islam with particular reference to behavioural and communication change."

Muslim women from Upper East, Northern Region and Burkina Faso as well as representatives of Egypt and Libya attended the conference.