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General News of Sunday, 26 February 2017


Central Regional Minister commits to work with traditional leaders

Central Regional Minister, Kwamena Duncan in a group picture with traditional authorities Central Regional Minister, Kwamena Duncan in a group picture with traditional authorities

The Central Regional Minister, Kwamena Duncan has stated that his administration will work with the traditional authorities to help transform the region.

He said the Central region is the first capital of Ghana but the region cannot boast of any development. Rather it is the fourth poorest region in the country, he observed. He therefore implored all to put their differences aside and work together as a region to achieve their goals.

He was speaking to Onua FM’s Central Regional correspondent Kwame Kakarba when he paid a courtesy call on Nananom (chiefs) of Oguaa Traditional Council at Cape Coast. Kwamena Duncan added that his office will be opened to everybody in the region especially chiefs. He also appealed to government and Museum and Monuments Board to consider paying royalties to the Oguaa Traditional Council to enable it raise money to meet some developmental challenges in the town.