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Politics of Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Source: GNA

Chief caution politicians

Accra, Jan 27, GNA - The President of Apinto Traditional Area in the Wassa West District of the Western region, Nana Kwabena Angu II, on Monday called for unity in all spheres of national life and said "party politics should not be allowed to divide the nation as we prepare for Elections 2008".

He said, "The clarion call to the nation on the dawn of the Golden Jubilee is for us to see ourselves first as Ghanaians before we think of which political parties we belong to."

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in Accra, Nana Angu, expressed concern about what he called "Politicisation of national issues" and cautioning that "We should not allow political partisanship to get the better part us".

"We have to restore our sense of balance and objectivity. We need to rediscover our national sense of purpose and direction in order to achieve our vision", Nana Angu, who is the Chief of Awudua said. After four successive successful elections, democratic practices are taking root in the country and everywhere people are asserting their rights and privileges, he stated.

The Chief said however that "There are others who seek to abuse these rights and privileges in the pursuit of their narrow interests even when such actions threaten national peace and security." Nana Angu stressed the need for individuals and political groupings to refrain from using "these freedoms" to insult others and said, "When we fail to exercise self-discipline, we create an atmosphere of tension and acrimony, which sap our energies needlessly instead of focusing on things that unite us and make us a purposeful and respected nation". "Our energies should be directed to productive efforts. Success for any nation, community and groupings does not come on a silver platter. We have to work for it. And we can only work for it together," he stated.

Nana Angu noted that the attention of the world was currently focused on Ghana, adding that, "The international community is looking at Ghana as we prepare towards Elections 2008, to see if we will continue along the path of democracy and good governance or will slip back into chaos and disorder".

"We owe it a duty to the next generation to leave them a peaceful, stable and prosperous nation and we cannot do this without reviving our passion for national, political, economic, social, collective and individual justice," Nana Angu stated.

He advised against the use of violent and abusive language on the airwaves, stressing, "The use of indecent language will destroy the strides the nation has made in establishing peace and unity". 27 March 07