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Regional News of Thursday, 9 October 2014

Source: GNA

Chief threatens to handle parents who attack teachers

Osabarima Opese Konadu II, the chief of Awukugua has threatened to sanction parents who go to schools to attack teachers when their wards are corrected by them.

He said some parents only listened to the complaints of their children but rushed to their schools to confront the teachers, using abusive words without giving them the opportunity to explain their sides of the stories.

Osabarima Konadu explained that the frequent attack on teachers in the area was part of the reasons why some teachers had chosen to limit their efforts at disciplining the children.

The chief of Awukugua was speaking at the formal handing over of the Awukugua Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Junior High School (JHS) block, to the management of the school.

It was constructed by the Awukugua Abroad Development Association, a group of Awukugua citizens resident outside the country, with the support of the Member of Parliament (MP) for Okere.

Osabarima Konadu stressed that the traditional authorities of Awukugua wanted to collaborate with the teachers and all stakeholders to improve upon the standard of education in the area.

Mr Dan Kwaku Botwe, MP for Okere, pleaded with the parents to supervise their children when they got home and ensure that they studied and did their homework.

The MP urged parents to do their best to provide supplementary textbooks for their wards because every necessity could not be provided by the government.

Mr Botwe pleaded with the parents to maintain cordial relationships with the teachers by visiting their schools to interact with the teachers and to learn about the performance of their wards, saying such activities motivated and made them feel that their work is appreciated.