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Regional News of Wednesday, 2 May 2018


Chieftaincy clashes loom at Nsoatre

Collins Nyarko , Secretary,  Amanaso Youth Association play videoCollins Nyarko , Secretary, Amanaso Youth Association

The Amanaso Youth Association of Nsoatre in the Sunyani West district of the Brong Ahafo Region is calling on the Regional Security Council to call to order, two persons whose actions could lead to chieftaincy clashes.

Following the death of the Omanhene of the Nsoatre Traditional Area, Nana Professor Amoah Konomansah II, finding a successor has proven to be a rather difficult task.

Addressing a press conference at Nsoatre, the Amanaso Youth Association appealed to the Brong Ahafo Regional Security Council to instruct one Abubakar Sadique and his brother Mohammed Sadique, to distant themselves from the next Nsoatre stool.

The community did not anticipate this development because of the already laid down rules of succession of Nsoatre.

Collins Nyarko , Secretary of the Amanaso Youth Association of Nsoatre, speaking on behalf of the group, noted that the next Omanhene for the Nsoatre Traditional Area should come from the Twabiri Royal Family.

Mr Nyarko indicated that, in spite of the laid down tradition, the Sadique brothers were pressuring the Abuom Family to present a candidate to the Traditional Council to be installed as the Paramount chief of Nsoatre.

The same Abuom family that the secretary accused of selling part of the 140 acre plot earmarked for the construction of an aeroplane park.

He urged the brothers to, instead, “… be thinking of how to present an acceptable and proper account for the countless number of plots of land they have sold.”

“The number of people who died during the professor’s installation cannot be entertained. That atrocity cannot be seen again,” he insisted.

In their quest to maintain peace, Mr Nyarko assured that, the youth would leave no stone unturned as it is the youth who would be the unfortunate victims of any violence.

He added that the youth of Nsoatre want to live in harmony and have therefore asked the Regional Security Council to ensure that there is continuous peace in Nsoatre and its environs.