General News of Wednesday, 26 May 2004

Source: Joy Online

China Railways Official Challenges Authenticity Of Crusading Guide Documents

In the wake of the disclosure by Mr. Zheng, Director of Engineering of China Railway Construction that they have no shares in CNT Construction Investment Limited, there have been several attempts to ridicule his claim.

In addition to stories that have sought to discredit Mr. Zheng and link him up with an imaginary corporation, there have also been claims that he is not part of the decision making process in the China Railway Construction Corporation.

Mr. Zheng told JoyFM on Monday that his company has no shares in CNTCI, which is in talks with government for the provision of 300 million dollars at an interest rate of 0.65%.

CNTCI has in various documents listed China Railway Construction as one of the major Chinese Corporations with 1,000 shares in their company. But according to Mr. Zheng, China Railway is only cooperating with CNTCI, which will be providing the financing for projects to be executed by China Railway Construction.

Mr. Zheng?s claims however run contrary to available documents published by the Crusading Guide newspaper signed by the Vice President of China Railway acknowledging receipt of the 1,000 shares.

Attempts to reach the China Railway Vice President He Neng Jin were unsuccessful but when reached, Mr. Zheng re-affirmed his earlier position on the matter, adding that he doubts the authenticity of the letter allegedly signed by his boss.

According to him, ?it is false, let them produce the original document.? Mr. Zheng argued that ?anybody can produce a copy? adding that anybody at all can for example forge President Kufuor?s signature.

JoyFM is meanwhile in possession of documents from some other companies that have denied any business relationship with the CNTCI and the CNT Hong Kong Limited.
