Regional News of Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Source: GNA

Cholera outbreak kills 4 in Tarkwa Nsueam Municipality

Tarkwa (W/R), Sept. 6, GNA – Four people have died as a result of a recent cholera outbreak in Kenyanko, a community within the Tarkwa Nsueam Assembly.

The deceased have been identified as Kwasi Addea, 43, Yaw Boateng, 30, Joseph Quecoe, 29 and Kwabena Anglo, 50.

Mr Ebenezer Tetteh, the Municipal Disease Control Officer at the Tarkwa Government Hospital, told the GNA that his office recorded its first case on August 29 but the victim was treated and discharged.

He said since then 35 cases have so far been recorded with three victims currently on admission at the Nsueam health centre.

He said the disease has since spread to other areas like Nkwanta, Agona, Pataho and Keyankor.

Mr Tetteh said cholera is caused by a bacterium called Vibrio Cholera and people are infected with the disease through drinking or eating food that has been contaminated with the bacteria.

He said the common housefly contributes immensely to the spread of the disease and appealed to the people to avoid defecating in the open and to remember to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating and after visiting the toilet.

The Municipal Chief Executive for the Tarkwa Nsueam Assembly, Mrs Christina Cobbinah, urged the people within Tarkwa and its surrounding areas to report all signs of infections to the nearest health centre for treatment.

She assured the health directorate of the Assembly’s support to help eradicate the disease.