Accra, April 11, GNA - Christians throughout the world are today celebrating Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead about 2,000 years ago to give new life to humanity.
Ghanaian Christians are celebrating the day with church services and conventions.
Preaching the sermon at the Ghana Police Church, the Associate Minister, the Reverend Dr Abraham Ako Akrong said God raised Jesus from the dead as a sign of vindication and endorsement of all that he came to do on earth.
He said during the transfiguration God declared that Jesus was his son and that all should accept him and that the resurrection was an affirmation of that relationship.
Rev Dr Akrong said without the resurrection the Disciples would have lost confidence in Jesus adding that it was because of his message that the religious authorities of the time got him killed.
He said the message of Jesus was so radical that it shook the very foundation of the power of those in authority for they were afraid that he might lead the people to revolt against the Roman Emperor and its consequent reprisals.
They had, therefore, anticipated that by killing Jesus his message would die with him, however, God raised him from the dead thus thwarting their plans.
He said all those who believed in the resurrection of Jesus have been reconciled to God and given the power to become His children and to enjoy all the benefits, which Adam and Eve lost through sin.
Rev Dr Akrong urged Christians to exude the life of righteousness, as they were the light and salt of the earth adding it would make them fearless since they would have power over sin, death and the Devil; indeed they have become "more than conquerors".
Christians have been called upon to open a new chapter in their lives by refraining from acts which hinders national development.Prophetess Beatrice B. Buxton, Leader and Founder of the Believers Sanctuary International Church at La in Accra, made the call at the end of a three-day Easter Convention held at La on Sunday.
She said Christians would be doing disservice to the nation if they did not allow the teachings of Jesus Christ reflect in their daily lives. Prophetess Buxton said as "real Christians you have to explain vividly the crucifixion of Jesus Christ instead of creating the impression that his death was meaningless".
She attributed the country's socio-economic woes partly to the rush for monetary gains by Christians instead of seeking their spiritual upliftment. Prophetess Buxton called on the members to lead exemplary lives for non-believers and children could emulate.
She appealed to other church leaders to use the pulpit to educate their members on government's policies and programmes.
Cape Coast
Cape Coast, April 11, GNA - Many Churches in Cape Coast were filled to capacity, with some of the congregation seating outside the Chapels, to mark Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. At the Lighthouse Chapel International, the residence pastor, Reverend Brian Adu, stressed the need for Ghanaians to use the occasion to re-examine their lives and dedicate themselves to God.He admonished the youth not to harden their hearts, but accept the word of God so that they would be saved from self-destructive acts such as drug abuse immorality and sexual promiscuity.
Rev Adu, expressed concern that many Ghanaians just "struggled, fought and some even kill", just to acquire material possessions, and said life did not mean possession of wealth, but "of one's righteousness towards God". He also called on Ghanaians to live in peace and harmony and to forgive one another "as God forgives our sins."
At the Winners' Chapel, the Head Pastor, Rev Nathaniel Lamptey, told the congregation that the resurrection of Christ, empowered them as Christians, to become ambassadors and to be a blessing to the society. He urged Christians to use their God given potentials to contribute to the welfare of others.
Rev Wilberforce Wireko told members of his congregation at the Varrick A.M.E Zion church, that the resurrection of Christ, was a victory to Christians and should encourage them to lead righteous lives. He prayers for the prosperity for the country and said Christ rose from the dead to restore faith, love and reconciliation among all his followers. Rev Wireku said the resurrection would be meaningless if Christians continued to live in sin and indulge in vice.
Accra, April 11, GNA - Dominic Kwadwo Andoh, Archbishop of Accra Dioceses of the Roman Catholic Church, on Sunday called on Christians to elect honest and sincere people to lead the country in the forthcoming elections. He said such leaders should be prepared to sacrifice and die for the country and reminded Christians that they had major role in ensuring a peaceful election.
Archbishop Andon was delivering a sermon on the theme "Christ conquerors all" at the Easter Sunday service to mark the Crucifixion and resurrection of Christ at the Holy Spirit Cathedral in Accra. He said the resurrection was to convince the disciples of Christ that he was the same person who lived among them.
Archbishop Andoh said the event also signified that Jesus had the power of immortality that is why he rose on the third day after his death. The Archbishop also urged Christians to turn away from immorality, corruption and other vices, that could affect national development adding that it was only Christ who could guide as against falling prey to such problems.
He said: "Unless we suffer with Christ we would not be raise with him". and asked Christians to open their hearts to the grace that Christ has brought to mankind as result of his resurrection.
The large cathedral was packed to capacity by 8050 hours as worshipers from all works of life had come for the Easter Sunday service.
Koforidua, April 11, GNA - The Catholic Bishop of Koforidua, the Most Reverend Charles Palmer-Buckle, has urged Ghanaians to forgive one another and reunite with those who had offended them just as Jesus Christ shed his blood to reconcile mankind with God.Delivering the sermon at Easter Church service at the St George's Cathedral at Koforidua on Sunday, he said the blood of Jesus was more precious than the sacrifice of animals or anything to obtain forgiveness from God over the sins of mankind.
Bishop Palmer-Buckle, noted that some people continued to behave like Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ by betraying friends and family members to satisfy their selfish desires.
The Catholic Bishop said by the atonement death of Jesus, there was no winner or loser "as when human beings judge and pass judgement, there is always the guilty and winner."
He explained that the death of Jesus on the cross was a symbol of his love for mankind as he willingly accepted his fate but was not dragged to be sacrificed as people did to animals.
He led the congregation to pray for peace and reconciliation among the people.
The District Pastor of the Calvary Presbyterian Church Alogboshie, Achimota, Reverend Edward Adjei-Gyan, urged Christians to give meaning to the celebration of Easter by leading upright lives.He was delivering the sermon at Easter Sunday service on the theme: "He is Risen" to commemorate the resurrection of Christ.
Rev. Adjei-Gyan said: "We all celebrate Easter but we must give meaning to the event. Easter is not about drinking and getting ones self involved in sexual immorality" .
He advised Christians to refrain from sin for which, Christ died for mankind adding that they should be righteous and not to associate themselves with corruption and immorality.
Rev Adjei-Gyan said Christians should learn to demonstrate love be humble as Jesus demonstrated.
He urged politicians to be dedicated to their communities and the country adding that "All people entrusted with position of authority must learn the humility of Jesus Christ in order to promote peace". Rev Adjei urged Ghanaians to ensure free and fair elections in the 2004 polls adding that they should appreciate the humility of Christ on the cross that gave freedom to mankind.
Ho, April 11, GNA - The Reverend Emmanuel Tieku, Parish Pastor of the Elorm E.P. Church, Ho-Bankoe said the country could witness a quick turn-around from the hardships facing the people if Christians lived by the tenets of Jesus Christ.He said the resurrection of Jesus Christ was therefore a reminder of Christ's injunction on his followers to truly love each other.
Rev Tieku was preaching the sermon on Easter Sunday on the theme, "The victory of life is victory over sin" to mark the resurrection of Christ. He said God had not changed Ghana from the "good old days'' rather it is the citizens who engage in acts of indiscipline and corruption resulting in misery and poverty.
Rev. Tieku therefore urged Christians to move away from waywardness such cheating, taxes invasion, hatred, greed and called on Ghanaians to collectively turn the country into a paradise.