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Religion of Thursday, 15 June 2023

Source: GNA

Christians encouraged to practice generous giving to attract God’s blessings

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A Pastor of the Calvary Temple Assemblies of God Church at North Suntreso in the Kumasi Metropolis has admonished Christians to practice the act of giving to attract more blessings from God.

Pastor Francis Akresi, said giving was an expression of obedience, gratitude, trust, and joy, and opened doors for successes.

“When we give generously and sacrificially, it’s not because God needs anything, but it shows our love and gratitude to him for his grace and protection,” he noted.

Pastor Akresi in a sermon on the topic: “Understanding God’s giving,” taken from 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, explained that Christian giving could be in forms like tithe paying and offerings.

He said the Bible commanded Christians to pay 10 percent of their basic salary as tithe to the Church and urged the congregation to be faithful in their payments.

“Your faithfulness towards tithe paying and offerings will always bring financial progress in your life. For those who are unfaithful, God withholds their promises and provisions from them. They never experience God’s abundance and prosperity,” he said.

He asked members of the church to give freely and cheerfully, and not under any compulsion, adding that practising it would attract abundant blessing from God.