How historic is it for one to be born on the 25th of December? 25th December is a historical day on the Christian calendar since it marks the birth of Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world and for that matter Christians celebrate it annually. Christians, as well as non Christians celebrate this occasion with joy and merrymaking. One may wonder how people born on such a day will enjoy their birthday. On Christmas day this year, there were seventeen births at the Tamale Teaching Hospital labour ward of which ten were females. Included in this number were three stillbirths and two pre mature babies who were put in incubators.
In an interview with Hijia Barikisu Kadri, the Principal Midwifery Superintendent, she attributed the stillbirths to concoctions taken by expectant mothers from the nearby villages. She said this affects the babies by the virtue of mothers’ ignorance on such issues. She used the interview as a platform to advise all pregnant women to desist from the use of any concoction but rather visit the nearest hospital. She finally advised them to practise good personal hygiene.
At the Tamale Central Hospital there were five births of which two were female. In an interview with Madam Georgina, a new mother, she said she was happy with the baby girl however she was expecting a male child since her scan indicated it was a male baby she was expecting and family members were all expecting a baby boy but attributed it to the will of God but said her husband was not happy.
In an interview with Dr. Francis Ali, the Metropolitan Director of Health for Tamale, he said he personally advised against taking a scan to know the sex of a foetus because it was only an expert who can accurately detect it. He also complained about some faulty machines which were being used in various labs and this may generate family problems.