Cape Coast, Dec 24, GNA- His Eminence Peter Cardinal Kodwo Appiah Turkson on Wednesday expressed concern about the diminishing significance of Jesus and his birth as a result of the motif being missed in most Christmas cards sent to friends and well wishers. He said the motif on most cards now are of people's businesses, offices, industries, flowers, snow and Christmas trees and people dressed in cultural attires.
Cardinal Turkson, in his Christmas message through the Ghana News Agency (GNA), said it is sad that the message of the birth of Jesus "is featuring less and less in greeting cards."
"What it means is that we are increasingly losing sight of the real reason for the celebration of Christmas."
''The good news of Christmas is about God sharing his divine love with humanity by sending Jesus His Son. There is, therefore, the need to imitate him on earth in everything we do.''
"Yes, Christmas is an occasion of joy, exchange of gifts, showing love to dear ones, enthusiastic enjoyment and celebration, but what has made it an euphoria celebration, is first and foremost the gift God gave to us by sending his son to save us from our weakness, sin and all that dehumanise us," he said.
Cardinal Turkson, who is the Archbishop of Cape Coast, urged Ghanaians, particularly Christians, to use the festivities to embrace peace instead of violence, truth instead of falsehood and love instead of enmity.
He said as the nation enters 2004, the election year, it is imperative for people to go to the polls "carrying the grace of Christmas and the virtue derived from Christ" to either elect a new government or renew the mandate of the present government.
Cardinal Turkson appealed to politicians to conduct the electioneering campaigns in peace and love, without acrimony and sense of hostility and also called on public office holders, to show more love and concern for the common man.
He told politicians to resist all temptations to personally enrich themselves to the detriment of the nation and urged those in business to conduct their activities in truth and sincerity.
The Cardinal prayed for all workers in the country, particularly miners, farmers and fishermen and wished them God's protection and blessing in the coming year.