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Regional News of Thursday, 5 August 2010

Source: GNA

Church commends government for reducing inflation

Sunyani (B/A) Aug. 5,GNA - Reverend Moses Seidu Sumaila, Acting Superintendent of Assemblies of God Church has commended the government for working hard to reduce inflation to a single digit rate.

Addressing the opening of the 25th biennial general council meeting of the church in Sunyani on Wednesday, Rev. Sumaila pledged the support and commitment of the church to help the government to propel the country into the middle income status.

The five-day council meeting is under the theme: "Seeking a double portion of the spirit for kingdom service".

Rev. Sumaila expressed appreciation to President John Evans Atta Mills for institutionalizing the national thanksgiving prayer day, which he said would improve the spirituality of the nation and pave way for national progress.

He urged the government to work harder at reducing poverty to the barest minimum saying, "our church has its largest membership in deprived communities so we are familiar with this state of affairs".

Rev. Sumaila expressed concern about the conflicts in Dagbon area, Bunkprugu-Yonyoo constituency and Bawku and called on the government and all stakeholders to spare no effort in finding perpetual peace.

"All these conflicts have equally affected our churches in those areas and stalled their growth", he said.

The Acting General Superintendent stressed the importance to take urgent steps to unite the nation and resist the spread of homosexual movements in the country.

"We as a church affirm the rich values of our culture, which frowns on these and since more than 60 per cent of Ghanaians profess to be Christians, government should take steps to ensure that this canker and evil is not allowed to thrive in Ghana", Rev. Sumaila stated.

He called on the church to lead the moral crusade to restore the cherished biblical and moral values with the clergy and membership leading lives consistent to the teachings of the Bible.

"The recent conflicts recorded and reported in churches leave much to be desired", Rev. Sumaila said, stressing "we are the hope of society in correcting such ills and must not lose the moral high ground in fulfilling this sacred responsibility thrust upon us by the word of God".

Earlier in a welcoming address, Rev. E.K. Mensah, Brong-Ahafo Regional Superintendent, said the church was first established in the region at Yeji in 1946 through the efforts of the late Rev. Peter Osei.

He called on Brong-Ahafo citizens who are members but resident outside the region to invest in the church.

"Your investment in pastors will put smiles on the faces of families where even food is a basic problem", he stated adding, "your investment will also catapult the recipients to do exploits".