General News of Wednesday, 13 June 2001

Source: GNA

Cigarette Smoking Reducing in Upper West

Most cigarette smokers particularly in the urban centres of the Upper West region are abandoning the habit, a Ghana News Agency survey has shown.

The survey sampled people in 12 towns and villages of the region to find out the effects of smoking on the youth.

Ten people in each of the 12 communities interviewed said they gave up smoking for both financial and health reasons.

About 80 per cent of ex-smokers interviewed at Wa, Lawra, Tumu, Nandom and Jirapa cited high cost of cigarette and health hazards as their reason while about 20 per cent said they were influenced by health education.

"My brother died through excessive smoking and alcohol and why should I also continue with that practice," Ali Chaluba said at Homite.

On the contrary the rate of smoking in the rural areas is still high among rural dwellers due mainly to illiteracy and ignorance about its ill-effects.

Most of the smokers there hold the view that smoking energises them to work hard in their farms and keep them active.

An average of two smokers in every household was recorded in the rural areas.

Dramani Adams a driver who commutes between Wa and various villages on markets days told the GNA that smoking keeps him warm and steady anytime he feels tired and feverish.

It also enables him to drive for a long time without dozing off.