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General News of Tuesday, 11 April 2017


Clashes at Agbobloshie; two shot, several others injured

Clashes have erupted between Konkombas and Dagombas at the Agbobloshie Yam market in Accra Clashes have erupted between Konkombas and Dagombas at the Agbobloshie Yam market in Accra

Violent clashes have erupted between Konkombas and Dagombas at the Agbobloshie Yam market in Accra with one person feared dead.

Information gathered by Starr News indicate that the violence started after a Dagomba man was beaten by some Konkombas for allegedly stealing a mobile phone Monday evening.

On Tuesday, the Dagomba man who was beaten returned with an armed gang to attack the Konkombas who beat him up.

An eyewitness who spoke to Starr News stated that two people including a pregnant woman have been shot with several others sustaining gory cutlass wounds.

The two, who sustained gunshot wounds have been rushed to a nearby hospital by the Police for treatment. The eyewitness also stated that one person who appeared dead has been taken away by the Police.

Meanwhile, a combined team of Police and military personnel who arrived at the scene managed to quell the violence. Kasapa News’ Pomaa Kyekyeku who spoke to Starr News disclosed that Agbogbloshie is currently under security surveillance.