Dear Friends,
Ghana Leadership Union is in the process of gathering signatures and information from all people who have ever shipped any vehicles or goods to Ghana through the ports of Ghana and have been charged taxes and duties based on a value other than the purchase price of the goods.
Last year during a shipment of vehicles as part of the process of transition to Ghana, the President of GLU was asked to pay the sums of C55 Million in a used Mini-Van, and another C85 Million on a used medium-sized SUV. These were in excess of the purchase price of these vehicles. Having paid that, an investigation was conducted to find if this practice was widespread. Upon further investigation and discussion with many Ghanaians it appears that many people have suffered this act of injustice for many years, but had no means of redress or even know who to complain to. There was a time when Ghanaians who have lived overseas for more than a period of time were exempt from paying taxes and duties on their personal property and vehicles. It has come to light that the Ghana Ports and Harbors have been over-valuing vehicles and other personal property for many years, in order to overcharge the consumers beyond what the law says should be charged. It has further come to light, which has also been a common knowledge in Ghana, that not all the moneys collected form consumers go into government coffers. The expressed vision of the President of Ghana and statements of inviting Ghanaians overseas to return home and contribute to the development of Ghana cannot be taken serious if such practices are not checked, and if illegal, stopped.
Ghana Leadership Union therefore intends to have the courts of Ghana determine the legality of such procedures, and issue and order to have this practice stopped, and further to have the Ghana Ports and Harbor refund all money so collected illegally from consumers. It is the general opinion of many Ghanaians that the tax rate is excessive and stifles business. However, even though the current government has made an attempt to modify the tax and customs laws, Ghanaians returning home are unduly over-burdened with these huge taxes and duties which often times exceed the value of the vehicles. This applies also to Ghanaian businesses who import vehicles for sale. The average price of a seven year old modest vehicle may be $4,000 in the US, as an example, and yet the same vehicle may sell for twice the price in Ghana. This creates undue burden on the citizenry for whom a car or vehicle has become an almost necessity for business, work or normal lifestyle.
All people who have suffered under this practice at any of the Ghana Ports and Harbors, and who want to join in this class action law suit, is hereby asked to submit his or her name, address, approximate date /month of the arrival at the Ghana ports, a short description of the nature of the case with an estimate of the over-charge. Please submit these to address at:
45767 Bridgeport Drive
Fremont, California 94539, USA
3 Boundary Road Ext. (DTD-Mad)
East Legon, Accra, Ghana.
Or Email to:
Please submit this as soon as possible to help expedite the class action legal case and move forward.
#3 Boundary Road.Ext.(DTD-Mad)
East Legon, Accra, Ghana.