General News of Tuesday, 4 May 1999

Source: null

Cocoa Service Division defends retrenchment

Akim-Bawdua (Eastern Region) 4th May ?99

Dr Stephen Twumasi Ampofo, Executive Director of the Cocoa Service Division (CSD) of Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD), has defended the retrenchment exercise being carried out by the COCOBOD as ''a good policy intended to bring efficiency, productivity and competence in the CSD" and not a witch-hunting exercise against any individual.

The policy would remove duplicity of duty and enables the CSD to increase purchasing prices of farmer's produce.

Dr. Ampofo was reacting to concerns expressed by some farmers about the rationale for the continuous reduction in the manpower size of the CSD at a time when farmers are appealing for more extension officers.

At a forum at Akim Bawdua near Akwatia on Friday to launch this year's "Ye wafuo yie" programme, which seeks to educate farmers to maintain their cocoa farms and to promote cordial relations between extension agents and farmers, he said the government would increase the purchasing price of cocoa "but to be able to do so, it must ensure a 'lean' service capable of generating enough revenue for national development".

Mr Francis Nsiah, Eastern Regional Manager of the CSD, said COCOBOD exported 400,000 tonnes of cocoa last year, enabling the commodity to regain its position as Ghana's major foreign exchange earner.

Increased cocoa production would reverse government's dependence on external loans for development, he said, adding that farmers should not only cultivate large tracks of land, but also adopt modern agricultural practices.