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Regional News of Sunday, 15 February 2015

Source: The Ghanaian Times

Communication networks asked to assist GNFS

Dr. Albert Brown Gaisie, the Chief Fire Officer has appealed to communication networks in the country to assist the Fire Service to offer prompt responses to fire outbreaks.

“The communications industry must assist the Fire Service because their activities evolve around power and electronics which are all fire prone,” he stressed.

Dr. Gaisie made the call in Accra on Wednesday, when the Service received four sets of phones from MTN Ghana to facilitate more access to the national emergency number, 192.

He noted that elswhere, communications agencies assist such emergency service providers as the Fire Service, to respond to emergencies and appealed to MTN and the other service providers to provide more phone sets for the GNFS in its 13 official regions.

He also urged the networks to sponsor the Fire Safety Week celebration, slated for March this year.

Mrs Eleanor Sarpong, Senior Manager of Regulatory Affairs, MTN Ghana, recognised the GNFS for its response to emergencies, especially fire outbreaks, and indicated that the donation was to complement its future responses to them.