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Regional News of Friday, 28 January 2005

Source: GNA

Community appeals for potable water

Konkonti (B/A), Jan. 28, GNA - The Chiefs and people of Konkonti, a farming community in the newly created Tain District of Brong-Ahafo have appealed for the provision of potable water.

They appealed to the government, Tain District Assembly, Non- Governmental Organisations and other business entities to come to the aid of the community.

Mr. Agyei Manu, govern ment appointee on the unit committee for the area expressed regret in an interview with the Ghana News Agency that the people depended on a nearby stream for domestic purposes, resulting in the people suffering from all manner of diseases. He said the only borehole in the area, which was constructed by the people broke down about eight months ago and had not been repaired because of the lack of funds.

The unit committee member expressed regret that the stream used by the people was also the source of drinking water for pigs and other domestic animals in the area and efforts to get rid of these animals had created animosity between their owners and the rest of the community. Mr. Manu explained that the community enacted a law to kill all animals found using the stream and cited an instance when in an operation three pigs belonging to one Madam Vida Obour, were killed. He said Mr. Bismarck Anane, Assembly Member for the area and a relative of the woman had taken the case to court.