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Regional News of Wednesday, 2 March 2005

Source: GNA

Community leaders attend solar energy workshop

Nkoranza (B/A), March 2, GNA - The Management of DENG Company Limited, producers and suppliers of solar energy has organised a workshop at Nkoranza to sensitise more than 100 community leaders on the importance of the facility.

The adoption of the facility by the people would help to enhance their living standard.

The participants included Assembly Members, Unit Committees, religious leaders, teachers, Chiefs and Queen mothers. Mr Kwasi Kwakye Sarpong, Head of the company's office in Kumasi said the company had operated in the country for 15 years and had been able to supply solar energy to a number of communities, individuals and companies.

"Solar energy is a very reliable source of energy and cost effective as compared to electricity power and does not pose any risk", he said.

Mr Sarpong advised the people to patronize the facility and called on them to form cooperative societies and establish a working relationship with rural banks to support them to acquire the facility. He emphasized that solar energy was very good and reliable for people in the rural areas and urged them to do well to own the system. Mr Manu Arthur, solar energy distributor and coordinator to DENG at Asekye-Krukese said he had enjoyed a lot of benefits from the solar energy system.

Mr Arthur reminded them of the cost of kerosene, the risk involved in using candles and the high cost of electricity tariffs and urged them to switch to solar energy for relief. Earlier in a welcoming address, Mr Sammy Asumah, Nkoranza District Director of the National Commission for Civic Education appealed to the management of DENG to extend the credit period for the supply of solar energy to about one year to the people.