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Regional News of Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Source: GNA

Community teams help resolve cases

ActionAid Ghana, a non-governmental organization, in collaboration with the Brong-Ahafo Regional office of the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) has set up Community Based Anti-Violence Teams (COMBATs) in 37 communities in Tain and Asutifi Districts of the region.

Members of the team are to monitor, intervene and help resolve minor cases of domestic violence and report major cases to DOVVSU for action.

Mr. John Abaa, Programme Officer for Women’s right of ActionAid Ghana, said this at a regional level stakeholders’ forum to showcase the impact of COMBAT activities in the communities.

The forum, attended by some heads of department, civil society groups and other NGOs, was jointly organised by ActionAid Ghana and Center for Sustainable Development, an NGO.

Mr. Abaa said since its establishment two years ago, the COMBATs had helped to resolve 53 minor cases of domestic violence.

He mentioned quarrels between couples and child non-maintenance as some of the cases the teams had helped to solve and brought peace within families.

Teams have also reported cases of defilement, rape and sexual harassment to the regional office of DOVVSU for prosecution, Mr. Abaa said.

He said even though members of the teams were not paid for their services, ActionAid organised periodic training for them and also provided members with incentive packages.

Mr. Abaa appealed to community leaders, Assembly Members and religious bodies to support and cooperate with the teams.**