Regional News of Sunday, 20 October 2024


Commuters cry over non-functioning streetlights along Supreme Court-Black Stars Square stretch

Commuters have called on authorities to fix non-functioning streetlights play videoCommuters have called on authorities to fix non-functioning streetlights

Pedestrians and motorists who use the Supreme Court to Black Stars Square road have criticised the country’s leadership over the non-functioning streetlights in the area.

Speaking exclusively to GhanaWeb, commuters expressed deep frustration over the non-functioning streetlights that plunge the entire area into darkness every night.

They noted that robbers have taken advantage of the situation to target unsuspecting victims, creating fear among commuters.

Additionally, the darkness makes it dangerous for pedestrians, as oncoming vehicles have difficulty seeing people crossing the road.

One of the commuters urged the government to address necessities like streetlights to help reduce the rising rate of robberies in the area and prevent a major disaster.

“This is a big problem for us. The women especially complain of being robbed of their belongings all the time so we plead on the government to fix the streetlights for us,” he said.

Another frequent user of the stretch lamented the constant neglect by authorities. She stated that despite making several complaints, they are yet to see any action being taken.

“We are pitiful because the little [money] we make from selling since morning is always taken by robbers. We have complained about these streetlights and we are now tired of complaining,” she lamented.

They have appealed to the authorities to take immediate action.

Watch the video below: