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General News of Thursday, 6 June 2002

Source: Accra Mail

Comport Yourself - Defence Minister Advises Rawlings

Yesterday, the Minister of Defence, Dr. Addo Kufuor in reacting to the Rawlings attacks, advised Rawlings to comport himself in such a way that "we may be able to accord him the dignity that his former office requires".

Rawlings in his address to his supporters had accused that promotion and recruitment of officers in the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) is based on their loyalty to the NPP government. Dr. Kwame Addo Kufuor said, "He should be careful about his utterances and his behaviour generally. If I were him I would act as his friend Bill Clinton is doing quietly."

He said the government would accord Rawlings the respect due him and any advice he gives to the government would not be shunned provided it is reasonable. "If he has advice to offer the current President and if it is sound advice it would be taken."

The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Lt. Gen. Seth Obeng speaking on the criteria for the promotion of senior officers said that there is no iota of truth that the promotion of senior officers in the Armed Forces is based on their loyalty to any political party. He said the Armed Forces should not be undermined by any person or group of persons.

The Forces Sergeant Major, Chief Warrant Officer, James Cole reiterated his oft repeated position that the Armed Forces are alert and would respond decisively to any moves that have the tendency to cause destabilization.

The Ag. Director, Personnel Administration, Col. M.K. Amuzu explained why the retirement period of soldiers was placed at 25 years and over. He said because the military work calls for energetic and strong people it is prudent to put national security in the hands of those that can efficiently and effectively handle any threats to it. He said the release, which was stalled for some time because of lack of funds "would continue so long as funds are made available". He said it is in line with Armed Forces Regulations.

The military authorities presented an official paper on the Rawlings accusations which we present in full below.

"The Ministry of Defence, has monitored with dismay the discussions taking place on the electronic media on the speech delivered by the former President Flt. Lt. J.J Rawlings at the Accra Community Centre at the 23rd anniversary of June 4 uprising.

The Ministry of Defence is particularly concerned about statements attributed to the former President on the retirement of soldiers and recruitment of soldiers into the Ghana Armed Forces.

The Ministry therefore wishes to put the facts right as follows:

The retirement of soldiers who have served with the Armed Forces for over 25 years is in line with Ghana Armed Forces regulations. It is on record that the retirement of soldiers has been a normal administrative procedure until a few years back when the exercise was suspended because of unavailability of funds to pay the terminal benefits of the retirees.

Persistent efforts by the Government to ensure that the over-aged soldiers are released honourably and with dignity bore positive results when the Government released funds to the Ministry of Defence to continue the exercise.

It is in this direction that the Ministry has authorized the Armed Forces to continue with the release exercise with effect 1 July 2002 when all servicemen and women who have served over 25 years above are to be released.

The exercise was programmed into phases and the first phase affects soldiers who have served 29 years and above with the colours. The second phase would affect 25 - 28 years as soon as funds are available.

It is unfortunate that the Ex-President should link a normal military administrative procedure to "political expediency" and accuse the Minister for Defence, Hon. Dr. Addo-Kufuor of attempting to "polarize the military".

It is regrettable also that he should call on the Service Commanders to resist a so-called ploy of hiding behind the retirement only for the government to bring its favourites.

The Chief of Defence Staff and the Service Commanders are competent and professionally experienced enough to know what is good for the Armed Forces and therefore it is unfortunate that the Ex-President should underrate the intelligence of the Military High Command and virtually indulge in inciting soldiers against their Commanders.

On the allegation that the retirement exercise was being carried out only for the DCEs to bring in the NPP favourites to replace them to serve the interest of the government, the Ministry of Defence can only describe it as misinformation, false and prejudiced.

The Armed Forces recruitment exercise which is yet to take place would be conducted with transparency.

We wish to emphasize that the military should be allowed to play its professional role and should not be drawn into partisan politics.

The Ministry of Defence therefore appeals to all and sundry to support the Armed Forces to maintain peace and stability in this country."