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General News of Thursday, 15 June 2017

Source: GNA

Consortium calls on President to include MLGRD in Cabinet

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

The Consortium comprising the Centre for Local Governance Advocacy (CLGA), and the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC), has described as unfortunate, the exclusion of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD), from the Cabinet list.

A press release signed by Vladimir Antwi Danso, Acting Executive Director of the Consortium, said whilst it commended the President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo, on the release of his cabinet to Parliament, in line with Article 76(1) of the 1992 constitution, “the Centre noted with concern, the exclusion of the Local Government and Rural Development Ministry from the list.”

It described the development as very unfortunate and added, that though the President had the reserved power under Article 76(1) of the 1992 Constitution to determine who formed part of his cabinet, “we believe that the exclusion of the Local Government and Rural Development Ministry is unfortunate.”

The release said among the NPP’s manifesto was local governance and rural development, adding that the President’s flagship programmes of one district one factory, one village one dam, and other initiatives such as the Zongo Development Fund and the election of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives, were all imminent development initiatives, which fell under the MLGRD.

It said for this reason, the Ministry should not have been excluded from the list.

The release said Article 35(6) of Ghana’s 1992 Constitution, backed the decentralization and local government agenda, and urged the State to make democracy a reality by affording opportunities to all citizens to participate in governance and decision making.

The MLGRD, through the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Asseblies (MMDAs), gives true meaning to this constitutional provision, and affords citizens from all walks of life to participate in governance through MMDAs, it said.

“The exclusion of the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development from Cabinet, does not show sufficient commitment and prioritization of the sector that brings governance to the doorstep of the people,” said the release.

It noted, that the President had shown goodwill towards feminism and added, that touting itself as a gender sensitive government, there was optimism that gender would play a significant role simultaneously along the constitutionally mandated regional balance.

The release observed, that the success of the President’s tenure and His contribution to the growth of the country, would “be an aggregate” of what happened at Matemano in the Suhum Municipality, Kyenkyenku in the Birim North District, Awisa in the Birim South District and every other community in the entire country.

The Minister in charge of this crucial sector, must not be absent from the table, where critical decisions are made, the release said.

“In conclusion, while exercising the full force of the authority, the constitution bestows on him as the President, the Centre is, imploring the President to take a second look at his cabinet, and make the necessary inclusions as proposed,” it said.