Religion of Thursday, 26 December 2013

Source: GNA

Continue to pray and wait upon God - Anglican Bishop

The Most Rev Daniel Silvanus Mensah Torto, the Anglican Bishop of Accra, on Wednesday, appealed to Christians who were not able to do things they planned for 2013 to continue to pray and wait upon the Lord.

He said “God has better plans and better agenda for his children,” adding that “His plans are different from man’s so Christians should continue to trust Him as He would do everything He has promised his children”.

Most Rev. Torto, who was delivering the sermon at the Holy Trinity Anglican Cathedral Accra to mark Christmas, said “man proposes but God disposes, so all what they have planned for would come to pass at the appropriate time”.

He said as Christians were praying and waiting upon the Lord, they should also remember that Christmas was a day to forgive and a time to pray to seek the face of the Lord.

“Christmas is not just for merry making but it is a time Christians should pray and celebrate Jesus Christ,” he said and appealed to urged Ghanaians especially people in authority to forgive one another in order for the nation to develop.

At the Christ Apostolic Church International Osu Assembly, Rev. Justice Aboagye the Resident Pastor, appealed to Christians to remember the very attribute of the Son of God which is humility.

He said the birth of Christ signified humility and obedience and as Christians, created in the image and likeness of God, Christians needed to emulate Christ-like virtues in the coming year even at the point of death.

“As we exhibit humility and obedience, just as God exalted Jesus, Christians shall also be exalted in every sphere of live,” he added.

Rev Aboagye appealed to Christians not to put their hope in politicians. “The hope of the world is not in politicians but in Christians and so when we take up the image of God, Christians will be the light of the world”.

At the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) Seekers’ Temple, New Ashongmang (Musuku), Pastor Emmanuel Osei Bediako, the Minister in Charge, appealed to Christians to reconcile with themselves, since the celebration of Christmas was about peace.

He said Christmas was not only about dwelling on the love of God but it was about dwelling on forgiving one another.

Pastor Bediako said God initiated the forgiveness process. “Let the Yuletide translate into forgiving our neighbours as this will be the best way for Christians to live in harmony”.

The church donated Bibles and hampers to the needy in the community to signify that Jesus Christ came for the poor and handicapped in society.

Pastor Osei Bediako led the church to pray for the country and community to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.