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Politics of Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Source: GNA

Continuity of NPP's administration is necessary for development - Gambila

Bolgatanga, July 03, GNA - Mr Boniface Gambila, Upper East Regional Minister has observed that any change in governance would derail Ghana's forward march to prosperity.

He noted that within the past seven years the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Government had transformed the country unprecedented in her socio-economic development in health, education, agriculture and social infrastructure.

"No one can dispute the benefits of Capitation Grant, School Feeding Programme, National Youth Employment Programme, National Health Insurance Scheme, and the numerous road networks being provided across the country," he added.

Mr Gambila made the observation at a luncheon to honour Senior Citizens in the Upper East Region as part of activities to commemorate Republic Day in Bolgatanga.

He said "it would be an irreparable blunder if Ghanaians failed to retain NPP in next year's general election, to enable it continue with those policies and programmes to their logical conclusion for the benefit of the citizenry."

Mr Gambila said as senior citizens and opinion leaders, they had a better appreciation of the problems facing the country, therefore it would necessary for them to sensitise the people in their respective communities about the developments to enable them make wise political choices in 2008.

He said the people would benefit from the reactivated Pwalugu Tomato Factory to reduce poverty by providing ready market for local tomato farmers and generate jobs for the unemployed youth in the area. Mr Gambila said Government would continue to pursue prudent policies and programmes to consolidate the country's economic gains and into a middle-income status.

He expressed Government's appreciation to them for their devoted services to the region and the nation. Mr Gambila urged them to put their wealth of experience at the disposal of the Upper East Regional Co-ordinating Council through suggestions to solve some of the problems in the region. 03 July 07