Diaspora News of Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Source: CPPNA executives and members

Convention People's Party, North America

Offices: 107 Fieldstone Way, Vallejo, CA 94589 229 Evansmeade Circle NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3P 1B6 www.cppnorthamerica.org

Dr. Edmund Delle, and Honorable National Executive Committee members, and the rank and file members of the Convention People’s Party: greetings and salutations.

It is with great pleasure that I am writing to you on behalf of the executives and members of Convention People’s Party North America to offer our fraternal greetings, solidarity and congratulations after hearing that you have successfully planned and scheduled the upcoming party congress that will be held on December 15, 2007. We want to congratulate you on this milestone. At the Fifth Pan-African Congress held in Manchester, England, in 1945, the delegates decreed it:

“We believe in the rights of all peoples to govern themselves. We affirm the right of all colonial peoples to control their own destiny. All colonies must be free from foreign imperialist control, whether political or economic. The peoples of the colonies must have the right to elect their own government, a government without restrictions from foreign power. We say to the peoples of the colonies that they must strive for these ends by all means at their disposal” (Kwame Nkrumah).

The time has come once again for the CPP, the party that gave Ghana independence to re-visit this declaration and make it the guiding light for the selection of new executives as well as the new flag bearer who will lead the party back to victory and prominence in the upcoming 2008 elections.

It is one thing to meet in open Congress, to make declarations, to select new executives and a flag bearer, but if it is going to have meaning and a force behind it, then congress has to be followed by practical measures to implement policies and decisions agreed upon to mobilize the people into action. We knew that the executives were determined to get on with the business of re-building the party to its former prominence of being the pre-eminent political party in Ghana. It was not an easy task considering the challenges the executives faced in reorganizing the party after its crashing defeat at the pools in 2000 and 2004. However, some of us knew and were willing to stand fast behind the executives in their times of challenges, and that you had the necessary skills and personal qualities which would allow you to progress further, and it is a credit to you and the executives that congress will happen in the next couple of days. It is a feather in your cap that you and your executives had the fortitude to work towards that goal.

There are stark political and ideological differences between the CPP and the other political parties in the country that have existed for decades. In selecting and choosing our flag bearer, we hope our delegates will consider these ideological differences and select the candidate most suitable to lead the CPP tradition of compassion for the sick, the poor, the weak, children, women, the elderly, as well as the youth and the strong, to lead the party to victory in 2008.

To the delegates, this is the time to put aside personal agenda, and vote for a candidate because he possesses the leadership qualities necessary to create a national party organization that will build bridges with defeated opponents as well as the ability to win cross-over votes which we will need to capture the Presidency.

Finally to our esteemed Presidential candidates, we will like to congratulate all of you for a job well done. Your campaigns were some of the most exciting the nation has witnessed in recent memory. The quality of your campaign gives us abundant hope that the CPP will definitely recapture the Presidency. To all of you aspirants to carry the flag of CPP to victory in the 2008 elections, we say what a yeoman’s job all of you have performed to take your message to the people. We will hope that no matter the outcome at congress, the winner will need the support of the rest to lead him to victory. This is the time to remember The Patriot’s motto of “Ghana Before Self; and Ghana Deserves Better” and put all differences aside for the betterment of the nation.

Lastly, CPPNA will like to assure all the candidates that no mater who emerges the winner, he will receive the unflinching support of our organization. We ask the good Lord to guide the hands of the delegates at congress to make the best selection to lead the party to victory. Good luck to all the candidates.

Forward Ever
On behalf of CPPNA executives and members,
Kwasi Budu- Secretary-CPPNA