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General News of Wednesday, 3 June 2020


Coronavirus: Ghana’s case count hits 8,548

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Ghana's coronavirus case count has leapt to 8,548, in the latest data released by the Ghana Health Service.

Figures released on Monday, June 1, 2020, put the case count at 8,070.

In the latest data, the death toll is pegged at 38 while the recoveries stand at 3,132, according to the Ghana Health Service (GHS) figures.

According to the GHS, 17 persons are in critical condition with one patient on a ventilator.

Below is a regional breakdown of the coronavirus situation in Ghana according to figures released on June 3, 2020.

(Case Count from Highest to Lowest)

Greater Accra Region – 5,894

Ashanti Region – 1,342

Western Region – 449

Central Region – 438

Eastern Region – 134

Volta Region – 86

Western North Region – 68

Upper East Region – 42

Northern Region – 37

Oti Region – 26

Upper West Region – 22

Bono East Region – 6

North East Region – 2

Savannah Region – 1

Bono Region – 1

Ahafo Region – 0