General News of Sunday, 22 March 2020


Coronavirus pandemic could change 21st century – Mensa Otabil

Pastor Mensa Otabil, General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church Pastor Mensa Otabil, General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church

The General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Pastor Mensa Otabil, believes that the coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic could be a game-changer in the dynamics of world power were so-called weaker nations will come into the centers of power.

According to him, humanity will survive the fast-spreading disease and things will soon return to normalcy.

Preaching in his church through a live broadcast on eTV.Ghana and on Happy FM Pursuant to fulfilling the current embargo on social gatherings including churches and mosques meetings the renowned preacher said the coronavirus is not the end of the world.

“Coronavirus Outbreak Could radically transform the 21st century. What kind of transformation, I don’t know. We have seen Nations which we thought were on top of their game seem to be the superpowers all of the sudden becomes very venerable and crumble right before our eyes.”

He added that he thinks the covid 19 “is part of sense of anxiety because those we trusted are collapsing before us. We have seen people we thought were untouchable being touched. We have seen fear in the eyes of leaders of nations, presidents, prime ministers as they try to solve these level of uncertainty.”

He however pronounced that this time might be the time for the countries that have been described as the weaker nation to rise “ And maybe this is what will bring the so-called weaker nations into the centers of power just like the first and Second World War brought the venerable into the centers of power. We don’t know we are just watching and observing, this could be a game-changer in the dynamics of world power.”

He advised his congregants to take the necessary precaution by doing the right things to protect themselves from the COVID-19.

COVID 19 is a cluster of respiratory illness, originating in the Chinese province of Hubei in December 2019, has health officials on high alert around the world.

In January, the causative agent of the disease was found to be a novel coronavirus, dubbed SARS-CoV-2, and the disease it causes was given a name: COVID-19 (for “coronavirus disease 2019”).

The virus has spread to at least 164 countries and territories, as of now, coronavirus cases recorded are 308,615, 13,071 deaths and 95,834 have recovered.