General News of Monday, 10 December 2007

Source: --

Corruption Perceptions Index For Ghana: 1999 - 2007

Corruption Perception Index 'progress report' by Transparency International

  Year  Rank/World  Rank/Africa CPI Score 
2007 69/179 8/52 3.7
2006 70/163 4/44 3.3
2005 65/159 6/44 3.5
2004 65/146 3.6
2003 72/133 3.3
2002 3.9 (BEST)
2001 3.4
2000 3.5
1999 3.3
Explanatory notes
* CPI Score relates to perceptions of the degree of corruption as seen by business people and country analysts and ranges between 10 (highly clean) and 0 (highly corrupt).