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Regional News of Saturday, 15 March 2003

Source: gna

Court issues bench warrant against social worker

The Sunyani Magistrate's court on Friday issued a bench warrant against a Social Welfare Officer for failing to appear before it to answer a charge of non-maintenance of his six-month old child.

Joseph Konadu Yiadom, who is based at Techiman, was to appear before the court on Friday but failed to do so though a criminal summons had been served on him.

Mr Charles Adjei Wilson, the presiding judge, expressed concern about the behaviour of the officer, "who is to set a good example for others to follow".

Police Inspector Setina Aboagye, Station Officer at WAJU told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that the accused also failed to respond to several invitations as well as a criminal summons to appear before the Sunyani Women and Juvenile Unit (WAJU) of the Police over the matter.

She said Yiadom had a relationship with one Dora Kyeremeh at Dormaa Ahenkro, his former station, which resulted into pregnancy.

The Station Officer said in October, last year, Dora gave birth and Yiadom after paying the hospital bills was not seen again and all efforts by her family to get him to take responsibility of the child proved futile.

In November last year Dora reported the matter to WAJU in Sunyani but the case was referred to the Social Welfare branch of WAJU who ordered the accused to provide the girl with two pieces of cloth and a monthly remittance of 50,000 cedis for the child's upkeep.

Inspector Setina said the accused refused to pay the money as well as the cloth and the matter was again reported to WAJU.

A month after the report an invitation letter was sent to him at Techiman, followed by another and a criminal summons on February 27 this year to attend to court.