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Crime & Punishment of Saturday, 16 July 2011

Source: GNA

Court jails shop attendant three years for stealing

Takoradi, July 16, GNA - A Takoradi Circuit Court has sentenced Aminu Mohammed, shop attendant, to three years imprisonment with hard labour for stealing DVD players and other items valued at GH?815. He pleaded guilty.

Prosecuting Police Inspector Seth Ahelegbe, said on June 26 this year, Edwin Intsiful, a trader, detected the theft of six SEG DVD players, a sound system, three car speakers and a food blender from his shop at Takoradi. He said on July 2nd, another DVD was stolen which made Intsiful to suspect the accused who was his shop attendant.

The Inspector said when the room of the accused was searched the DVD player and the sound system were found. Inspector Ahelegbe said the accused was arrested and handed over to the Market Circle Police.

He said the Police re-searched the room of the accused and found an amber light also belonging to Intsiful. In his caution statement, the accused confessed the offence and initially said he stole three DVD players, which he sold to some wayside people for GH?20 each.

Inspector Ahelegbe said it came to light during investigations that the accused used two of the stolen DVD players as surety for loans. Three out of the six stolen DVD players have been retrieved.