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Regional News of Monday, 21 July 2014

Source: The Finder

Court ordered ‘Akokofoto’ slum demolition - AMA

The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) says an Accra High Court has ordered a yet-to-be-carried-out demolishing of unauthorised structures and the removal of slums and heaps of refuse at ‘Akokofoto,’ Dansoman in Accra.

According to the AMA, failure to act in accordance with the order would constitute contempt of court.

AMA Chief Executive, Dr Alfred Oko Vanderpuije said this in a statement issued in Accra in reaction to media reports that Sempe chiefs are furious with him over an intended demolition exercise.

He has asked the media to cross-check their facts on issues before publication.

The publications were based on a purported demolishing of unauthorised structures and removal of slums and heaps of refuse at ‘Akokofoto,’ Dansoman in Accra.

Dr Vanderpuije said the Accra Metropolitan Assembly was under obligation to enforce a court order by inviting the police to provide security for the demolition team.

He said the exercise is yet to be carried out.

The AMA boss said it is a statutory obligation to maintain law and order in the city, adding: “We will do so without fear or favour of any individual or organisation.”

Dr Vanderpuije said while executing the agenda of the AMA as mandated by law, any individual or group of persons that do anything to obstruct the performance of these statutory duties would be dealt with according to the law.