General News of Tuesday, 9 February 1999

Source: --

Court restrains Assembly from enforcing directive

Accra (Greater Accra), 9 Feb.'99 -

A Koforidua High Court yesterday restrained the New Juaben Municipal Assembly from enforcing its directive that parents pay basic rates as a condition for the admission of their wards into basic schools. The order followed the granting of an ex-parte motion for an order of interim injunction filed by the Concerned Parents and Teachers Association (CPTA) against the assembly and its chief executive, as well as the Minister of Education. The court, presided over by Mr Justice G.E. Twum, directed that the order is to remain in force for a period of one month from the date of the order unless otherwise revoked or varied. The judge further ordered that the defendants are to be served with the order and that the CPTA should repeat the application on notice within one month. In its statement of claim, the association contended that the decision to link the payment of annual basic rates by parents to the admission of their wards into basic schools threatens children's right to education. The plaintiff said a pupil cannot be punished in any manner for the default of their parents in discharging their civic or other responsibilities. It is, therefore, seeking declarations to that effect, in addition to a perpetual injunction to restrain the defendants from enforcing the directive. Last week, the assembly made the payment of annual basic rate by parents a condition for gaining admission for their wards into basic schools in the municipality. The assembly's directive stated that pupils are to present photo- copies of their parents' basic rate receipts to headmasters of their prospective schools before they are admitted. The headmasters are also required to accept only receipts of the Municipal Assembly's basic rate which has been increased from 200 cedis to 500 cedis and not any other receipts from any district assembly.