Regional News of Sunday, 11 July 2004

Source: GNA

Create equal opportunities for both sexes to attend school


Atwima-Agogo (Ash), July 11, GNA - Mr. Richard Owusu-Agyemang, the Atwima District Community Participation Co-ordinator, has asked parents to create equal opportunity for both sexes to attend school and do away with customs which militate against the education of girls.

Parents, he said, should ensure that school children sleep on time and also educate them on issues about teenage pregnancies, drug abuse and other vices that tend to have serious effect on their future.

Mr Owusu-Agyemang, who is an Assistant Director of Education in-charge of public relations at the Atwima district education office, was leading a discussion on the "Improvement of Quality Teaching and Learning" at an education forum held at Atwima-Agogo near Abuakwa on Friday.

He said women have a lot of influence in education delivery and must therefore be adequately supported to enable them actively involve and participate in decision-making and leadership positions. Mr Owusu-Agyemang implored School Management Committees (SMCs) and Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) to forge strong links between the home, the school and community and also bring together parents and school authorities to enable them to work jointly for the development of the school.

Mr F.C.K. Ntim-Gyakari, Nkawie Circuit Supervisor, advised those entrusted with education finances to ensure transparency in financial transactions to help build trust between the community and the school. He stressed the need for parents to regulate their children's manual work, supervise and oversee their academic work and discipline. Madam Irene Comfort Badu, Atwima District Early Childhood Co-ordinator, appealed to the school communities to provide special incentive packages to brilliant but needy children as well as teachers, especially those working in the deprived areas.

She urged parents to pay particular attention to the health, nutrition and the general welfare of their children and also ensure that they do not roam about when schools were in session.

Nana Owusu Bempah, Atwima-Boasohene, who presided, emphasised teacher discipline, which he said, helps not only to improve teaching and learning, but also strengthens the image and credibility of the teacher as a role model. 11 July 04