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Regional News of Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Source: GNA

DCE aspirant congratulates nominee

Apam, April 8, GNA - Mr Isaac Quansah, an aspirant for the post of District Chief Executive (DCE) in Gomoa West has congratulated Mr Theophilus Aidoo Mensah on his nomination by President Mills for the post. Mr Aidoo Mensah, popularly called 'Copper' is the Chief Accountant for the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) and was one of the 22 people who aspired for the post in the district. Speaking to the GNA at Apam, Mr Quansah, an Accountant of Gomoaman Mutual Health Insurance Scheme assured Copper of his support at all times. I have even started lobbying members of the assembly to confirm the nomination, he said. He appealed to other contestants to put the fatigue they went through during the vetting process behind them, and rally behind the nominee to improve the living conditions of the people. "I wish you every success in your administration when your nomination is approved," Mr Quansah said. 8 April 09