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Regional News of Thursday, 21 July 2016

Source: BODI

DCE goes out for monitoring of on-going assembly projects

The John Mahama led administration is working relentlessly to improve upon the poor infrastructural projects that would subsequently employ people to man these institutions to reduce unemployment in the country.

Today, the DCE, Hon.Cletus Seidu Dapilah, the district Finance Officer, assistant director, the district engineer, and auditor went to inspect a number of projects that are still on-going. This is to prevent shoddy work that could be done by some unscrupulous contractors.

The team inspected dams at Nyeni, char-char, and Ping.These dams financed by the district assembly are meant to augment the peasant farmers who are who disadvantaged because of geographical factors. In this light, gardens are fenced around these dams which supply the people with fresh vegetables. The livestock of these people also benefit from these dams by drinking from them. Mention can also be made of the domestic uses of water from these dams.
The team also inspected a schools at char-char and Ul-Tuopari.These schools will help accommodate the growing population of school children in these localities whiles steps are still taken to continue with the quality education agenda.

Last but not the least, the team inspected three out of the nine Chips compounds that have been built by the district assembly. Since the district assembly does not want to gamble with the health of the constituents, the assembly have almost completed facilities that will cater for the health needs of its inhabitants.

The team in conclusion realized the quality work that is been executed by these contractors. The government of Ghana from critical analysis is transforming Ghana and changing the lives of the people of Jirapa in terms of agriculture, education and health.
Thank you
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