A Presidential Aide, Professor Kofi Awonoor, says even though the struggles of slavery and colonialism are over, there is still the struggle of poverty that African countries have to contend with. The skills, knowledge and warmth of the world-wide African family should therefore be harnessed to generate economic growth. Professor Awoonor, was speaking at a dinner dance in Accra last night to commemorate the 130th birthday celebration of Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, the father of Pan Africanism. He said Ghanaians are privileged that Dr. du Bois, a distinguished son of Africa chose to spend his last years in Ghana as a friend and co-worker in the cause of African liberation. Professor Awoonor, said the library of ideals of Dr. du Bois and the relevance of his work will continue to live on and remain alive as long as Africans recognise their brotherhood. He said unless Africans and those in the Diaspora understand each other's different perceptions and experiences, their common ancestry will not be enough to prevent the painful misunderstandings. gri