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General News of Friday, 15 November 2002

Source: GNA

Dan Lartey Cries Against Corruption

The leader of the Great Consolidated Popular Party (GCPP) Dan Lartey has predicted that ?the current campaign against indiscipline would fail if pragmatic measures are not taken to address the fundamental cause. He identified the stifling mass unemployment and its attendant poverty as the underlying factors to the perception (real or imagined) of the spate of indiscipline in the country.

According to a GNA report, Mr. Lartey suggested that a vicious cycle of a fragile economy, corrupt culture and seeming lawlessness has been created. To him, this appears to have a direct link with the unemployment and poverty situation in the country and called for swift attention to make the campaign against indiscipline achieve the desired results.?

Corruption must be vigorously fought against to change the lives and attitudes of government officials as a first step of stamping out indiscipline in Ghana?. ?Corruption is high, the economy is in shambles, our culture is in jeopardy, no order in the society and indiscipline is rife. All these put together brings confusion in the country,? he emphasized.

He said ? unemployment generates idleness and if it is that the devil finds work for the idle hand then one can discern what will be the behaviour of a person who did not know where his next meal will come from?.

The Presidential hopeful forced it home that poverty leads to despondency with its attendant frustrations and wondered how a man in that state could cherish discipline.He contended that corruption destroys objectivity and blinds man to do the right thing. He said therefore that if indiscipline, which has eaten deep into the fabric of the Ghanaian society is not fought and eliminated thoroughly, the current crusade would fail.

Mr. Lartey however admitted that the situation in the country has made it extremely difficult for some Ghanaians to adjust their lives to do things decently. The option then becomes resorting to armed robbery and other social vices to survive but ?society cannot thrive on roguery and the survival of the fittest syndrome ?.

Mr. Lartey also blamed the inability of governments to domesticate the country?s natural resources as a factor that has compelled the rural folk to migrate to the cities only to create a productive vacuum in the rural areas leading to ?depopulation and disintegration of towns and villages?. He called on all political leaders to join hands in the fight against poverty, corruption, unemployment, to make Ghana a home of peace and prosperity.