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General News of Friday, 16 September 2016


Dec polls: Money-loving journalists will die – Group

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Journalists who receive cash from politicians purposely to work for them to win the December polls will die because the monies are bloodied with rituals meant to buy their souls, a group calling itself Movement for Kingdom Image (MFKI) has revealed.

The president of MFKI, Osempakani Kaakyire, in a statement released on Friday, September 16, said: “We are inspired by God to send this warning message to you (journalists) so that you can prevent some shocking and sudden deaths that may hit the industry before the 2016 general elections as a result of some politicians who have ritualised some money for the exchange of journalists’ blood.”

“So, when he (the politician) gives you that huge money to buy your conscience, you will unconsciously speak against (his) opponents and subsequently you will meet your tragic death to give the politician the victory they are looking for through your blood.”

“We, therefore, want all journalists in the country to avoid taking money from politicians and political parties in the name of working for them or helping them to win their contests at all cost because by doing so you may be selling your own soul to death.”