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General News of Wednesday, 16 November 2016


December 7 should be a National Holiday – NPP Communicator

Nana Boakye, member of NPP's communications  team Nana Boakye, member of NPP's communications team

Ghana holds elections every four years to either elect a new President or retain the government in power for its good works.

December 7 has been constitutionally designated for both the Parliamentary and Presidential elections.

This year’s election date falls on a week day; a Wednesday and some political actors have argued it would inconvenience the academic calendars of educational institutions as well as disrupt workers schedule in the country.

It is therefore in this respect that a member of the New Patriotic Party’s Communications team, Nana Boakye is calling on the framers of the constitution to declare the Election Day as a public holiday.

According to Nana Boakye, the general elections are a national exercise and so should be observed without posing any inconvenience to the electorates.

“It’s a national exercise. So, if we all can add voices to it and on that day, we make it a national holiday. Nobody should go to work on that day because it’s a holiday, it is better.

Whether we realised it today, yesterday; is it not good?”

The party’s former General Secretary, popularly called Sir John, who was also commenting on ‘kokrokoo’ was optimistic declaring it as a holiday will help ease the pressures on the electorate to cast their votes on Election Day.