Regional News of Thursday, 13 August 2020

Source: GNA

Deputy Local Government Minister loses father

Mr Godfried John Adjei died on July 30, 2020 at age 95. Mr Godfried John Adjei died on July 30, 2020 at age 95.

Mr Godfried John Adjei, father of Mr Kwasi Boateng Adjei, a Deputy Minister for Local Government and Rural Development and Member of Parliament for New Juaben North has passed.

He died on July 30, 2020 at age 95.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency on the funeral rites, the Deputy Minister said Mr Godfried John Adjei was the Founder/Proprietor of the New Juaben College of Commerce, Koforidua.

He said the one week celebration is scheduled to take place on Thursday August 20, 2020 at the New Juaben College of Commerce, Koforidua.

He left behind 11 children including; Mr Kwasi Boateng Adjei, Amoako Adjei , President, Eastern Regional Bar Association and nine others.
