Diaspora News of Thursday, 9 October 2014

Source: Musah Superior

Diasporian NPP members are eligible to contest

... parliamentary primaries and will not be stopped
The attention of the Office of the General Secretary has been drawn to a publication in the New Media to the effect that the General Secretary said that members of the NPP resident outside the country will not be allowed to contest the Parliamentary Primaries when nominations are opened. The publication indicated that the General Secretary made the statement at the recent meeting with members of the UK branch of the Party in London.

The publication is untrue and only intended to course disaffection for the General Secretary. The constitution of the NPP is clear on who is eligible to contest and who is not in any election in our Party.The General Secretary has no such authority to decide the eligibility of people seeking to contest in our internal elections.

Members are also reminded that vetting committees are put in place in all the Regions to investigste all aspirants to confirm their eligibility or otherwise.

The General Secretary is focused and concentrating on the job. We have an election coming on the 18th October to elect our Presidential candidate and the Party is on caurse to achieving that. We will not be distracted by such mischievous publications.

We call on all our members especially those in the diaspora to disregard the said publication. Let's win 2016 together.

If any member requires further information on this matter or any other matter about the Party, he/she can contact the General Secretary at the Party Headquarters at Asylum down.


Musah Superior Special Assissnt to the General Secretary. 0266875259
