General News of Monday, 25 November 2002

Source: Public Agenda

Disabled to boycott 2004 elections!

The disabled say they will boycott the 2004 elections unless government takes steps to improve their standard of living.

In an emotional demonstration, a teacher of the Savelugu School for the Deaf, A. Rauf, himself deaf, held participants spellbound when he said disabled people will boycott the 2004 general elections because of government?s lack of care for their plight. ?If we, the disabled people?s plight is not addressed by the authorities early enough, we will contemplate boycotting the 2004 elections to press home our demands,? Rauf said in his sign language which was interpreted by journalists.

Rauf was making a contribution at a forum in Tamale to sensitise the media on the plight of the disabled. Rauf?s protest came as no surprise as organisers of the seminar had sent an invitation letter to the Regional Coordinating Council for the meeting, but neither the Deputy Regional Minister, Issah Ketekewu, nor any official represented him at the meeting.

The Country Director of Action on Disability and Development (ADD) an NGO and organisers of the seminar, Thomas Issah said ADD believes that disability is a human rights issue and should be treated seriously.

He said it is for this reason that over the years his organisation has spent a lot of time and resources in the training of its partners in advocacy and lobbying. In this regard, the ADD Country Director made a passionate appeal to the media to highlights disability issues.

Participants however, pointed out that if it had been political parties rally, many political leaders would have turned out in their numbers to ostensibly canvass for votes. ?Politicians must learn to appreciate the positive roles the disabled also play in the society,? participants said.